Kate Dvorkin, Psy.D. | Published on 1/14/2022
Kate Dvorkin, Psy.D.
Contact Info:
For more information and to register, contact Kate
845-594-7506 or dvorkinpsyd@icloud.com
Cost: $50 per week.
Location: Zoom
Group meets: Tuesdays from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.
Target Clients: Men who want to feel less isolated, improve communication skills, and learn to be more relational in their lives.
Group Description:
Group is an excellent addition to individual therapy. This men's group is based on Terry Real's Relational Life Therapy. Traditionally men are raised to view each other as competitors and potential sources of humiliation. In a men's group, communication can slow down, allowing men to learn to trust themselves and each other, leading to increased support and undertanding and decreased isolation.